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Infants Sports Premium 2017-18

School Sports Premium

Projected spend and impact 2017/18 EYFS and KS1

Note: The SP spending is allocated based on a school academic year.

Received: £9952 (31st October)

Will receive: £6000-£7000 (April/ May)

Total expected: £16,000 - £17,000





LPESSN Membership

LPESSN membership provides St Joseph’s with a PE support in a number of key areas:


· Allows St Joseph’s KS1 children to enter ‘multiskills’ events across the borough, which are inclusive for all abilities and allow children to experience a variety of sports in a non-competitive environment.

·  The opportunity for children who are more able in sports to enter the ‘festival of sport’ competitions.

· In and out of school opportunities for SEN children to take part in sporting activities.

· Sporting activities outside of the curriculum, such as Parkour, tennis and BMX experiences.

· PE CPD to whole school through team teaching, as well as in and out of school training sessions.

· In school TA training for lunchtime games.

· Provision of lesson plans for:

Real PE – which is based on key fundamental movement skills.



Problem solving in PE.

· PE assessment strategy.

· A whole school analytical tool to work on highlighting areas of need for PE and wellbeing.

· Health and wellbeing support for children and parents.

· ‘Sports Leaders’ programme – 5 children from KS2 are trained to run games for KS1 at lunchtime.

Provides children with a love of sport and a healthy competitive nature through competitions.

St Joseph’s success in these events has led to the development of a sporting culture in the school and lets children know that they will have the opportunities to represent the school. This develops not only their physical attributes and teamworking, but their self-esteem and behaviour as they have to represent the school with honour.


Children experience a wide range of different sports, some less well known than others, this gives children a far wider reach to find something they love and can continue with.


Plans provided by LPESSN ensure teaching is well differentiated and targeted to meet specific needs of the class.


G&T assessment allows STJJS to identify those with additional needs.


CPD continues the growth of teachers in this subject area and ensures continuation of a high level of teaching.

TA training to improve the physical provision at lunchtime so children are more active throughout the day.


Sports leaders to help motivate children to be more active and take part in games and provide positive role-models/ buddies for younger children.




Specialist coaching and teaching support


A specialist coach has been hired to model and work with EYFS and KS1 class teachers to improve the delivery of indoor PE, focusing on:

· Real PE scheme of work (Autumn term)

· Gymnastics (Spring)

· Dance (Summer)

Her appointment was based on the quality of the delivery of indoor PE sessions being identified as an area of weakness within EYS and KS1.


·She will also be running an intervention targeting our overweight children in KS1. We will be working closely with the school nurse for this initiative. The sessions will focus on high intensity exercise and lessons on nutrition and diet. Parents will be closely worked with.

Teachers will learn from working with specialists in these subject areas within the PE curriculum, so that in the 2018/19 academic year they will be able to deliver the lessons themselves after learning from specialists. This increases the skills base of staff in the long term and helps with children’s overall curriculum coverage.


Children’s physical literacy will be of a higher standard by the end of the academic year.


The health needs of our overweight children will begin to be addressed in the short term. In the long term, children and parent’s capacity to make healthy lifestyle choices will be greatly improved.

3 sessions per week - £30 per session/ £3420 - year

Afterschool provision


After school clubs to be delivered to all year groups throughout the year:

·Multiskills (all year)

·Gymnastics (Spring 1 – Summer 2)

·Football (all year)

·Dance (Spring 1 – Summer 2)

·Cookery (Autumn 2 – Summer 2)


This will keep children healthy and active and ensure that children are enjoying and taking part in sport outside of school curriculum time.

The variety of sports we will make available throughout the year will allow children to engage in sports which interest them. The cooking club will raise the profile of healthy eating.

Football - £1140 (3 terms)

Parental donations - £825

Final spending - £315


Multiskills - £1140 (3 terms)

Parental donations - £825

Final spending - £315


Cooking – Petra and Susie wage - £1200


Dance - £780 for coach (2 terms)

Parental donations - £600

Final spending - £180


Gymnastics - £780 for coach (2 terms)

Parental donations (£600)

Final spending - £180








Resources and Equipment

Purchase of equipment to ensure high quality delivery and physical development provision in the EYFS.

Children will be working with the correct equipment which will help ensure the quality of their PE lessons and after school clubs.


Additional Programmes

Additional programmes to help motivate specific children.

Extra programmes offered at low cost throughout the year, such as the superstars programme through LPESSN will help to stimulate children’s learning across the curriculum.


Swimming for Year 2.


CPD opportunities

Cost of cover for CPD opportunities to ensure that staff are up to date with best practice. (5 days supply)

Will help continue the value and impact of SSP money past July 18.



Projection for this academic year: £16,190


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