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19-20 Temario de español / 19-20 Spanish Overview (KS2)

Our Year Overview shows which topic our children will be studying  throughout the academic year.





Spring 1

Numbers 1-10, classroom items, months, the age, my birthday

·         Numbers 1-10

·         How old are you?

·         Months

·         My birthday

·         Classroom items: pencil, book, colouring pencil, pencil, sharpener, rubber, scissors, board, chair, table, door.

Spring 2


Greetings, introducing ourselves, wellbeing-feelings, chico/a/os/as, I like + chocolate, classroom communication

·         Greetings: hello/goodbye, good morning, good afternoon & evening, good night.

·         Introducing ourselves: ¿What’s your name? Learn a poem/rhyme: My name is Pepe...

·         Boy/girl: masculine/feminine grammar pattern.

·         Wellbeing: How are you? Excellent, fantastic, really well, well, OK, bad, terrible.

·         Classroom communication: stand up/sit down, be quiet, speak, listen, look, repeat, raise your hand.

·         Polite words: Thank you, please

Summer 1

Days of the week, animals + colours: descriptions

·         Revise: Spanish quiz.

·         What day is today? Days of the week

·         Farm & wild animals: dog, cat, chicken,

              duck, donkey, cow, tiger, lion, monkey, elephant,


·         Colours: blue, red, green, yellow, pink, orange, brown, grey, black, white, purple.

Summer 2

Fast/slow, action verbs, body parts

·         Fast/slow

·         Action verbs intro: to walk, to jump, to speak, to count, to dance, to clap, to sing, to swim, to run,

to eat, to drink

·         Body parts: head, arms, legs, hands, feet, fingers, mouth, ear, nose, eyes, knees, feet, shoulders…





Autumn 1

Revision Year 3, Spanish geography and history, greetings, introducing ourselves, pronouns, phonics, wellbeing: very good, awful, ok…, numbers 1-20     


·         Revision: Spanish quiz

·         Spanish in the world: Geography & history

·         Introducing ourselves: ¿What’s your name? Learn a poem/rhyme: My name is Pepe...

·         Pronouns + verb to be

·         Greetings + parts of the day: good morning, good afternoon & evening, good night

·         Boy/girl: masculine/feminine grammar pattern

·         Phonics: h, ue, uy, ll, ñ, ch, g

·         Wellbeing: How are you? Excellent, fantastic, really well, well, OK, bad, terrible…

·         Numbers 1-20…

Autumn 2

Classroom communication, wellbeing-feelings, numbers 20-31, 10-100 in tens, maths, Christmas

·         Classroom communication: stand up/sit down, be quiet, speak, listen, look, repeat, raise your hand.

·         The age: how old are you? I am…, and you? + to have

·         Numbers 20-31

·         10-100 in tens

·         Maths: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

·         Christmas

Spring 1

Revision, the age, months, days of the week, the date, my birthday, phonics


·         Revise previous: Spanish quiz

·         What’s the month? Months

·         What´s the day? Today is…+ days of the week

·         The date

·         Today, tomorrow, yesterday

·         Talking about my birthday

·         Phonics: ua, ñ, j, ei, v, oy

Spring 2

Classroom communication, the alphabet, colours, verbs –ar: present tense 1p + what are you doing?


·         Classroom communication: I don’t know, I don’t understand, what does it mean?, how do you say in Spanish?, can I go to the toilet?, can I drink some water?

·         Negative sentences

·         The alphabet-phonics: vowels & consonants

·         What colour is it? What is your favourite colour?

·         Colours: red, blue, yellow, Green, orange, brown…

·         Verbs –ar: present tense 1st person + What are you doing?: to walk, to jump, to speak, to listen, to count, to dance, to sing, to swim, to play   

Summer 1

Revision, verb to be, body parts + determiners: descriptions, the coloured monster

·         Revise previous: Spanish quiz

·         Verb to have

·         Body parts + descriptions

·         Determiners (articles): un/una & el/la

·         Articles + nouns + adjectives

Summer 2

Classroom communication, likes/dislikes, connectors, my family + determiners (possessives), pets-animals


·         Classroom communication: I don’t know, I don’t understand, what does it mean?, how do you say in Spanish?, can I go to the toilet?, can I drink some water?

·         I like / I don’t like

·         Connectors: but, and

·         My family + determiners + I have

·         Pets - animals





Autumn 1

Revision Year 4, Spanish geography and history, pronouns, Who are you? Verb to be, ¿where? / ¿where are you from/ where do you live?, nationalities, transports+verb to go, prepositions en/a

·         Revision: Spanish quiz

·         Spanish in the world: Geography and history

·         Pronouns

·         ¿Who are you? Verb to be: ser/estar. Negative sentences

·         Nationalities. Where are you from? Masculine/feminine, o/a - ¿Where? ¿Where do you live?

·         Where is it? + directions

·         Phonics: h, ue, uy, ll, ñ, qu

·         Transports + verb ‘to go ’

·         Determiners (articles): el/la

Autumn 2


Classroom communication, how to go to school+transports, prepositions en/a, months, the date, talking of my birthday, days of the week, Christmas


·         Classroom communication: stand up/sit down, be quiet, speak, listen, look, repeat, raise your hand. - Transports + verb ‘to go’: how to travel to school

·         Numbers 1-100 in tens

·         Maths: add, take away, simple multiplications and divisions       

·         Months + days of the week: the date

·         Talking about my birthday

·         Christmas

Spring 1

The alphabet: vowel and consonant sounds, the weather, Feelings & emotions, Maths

·         Revision: Spanish quiz

·         The alphabet-phonics: vowels & consonants, spelling - The weather: what is the weather like?

·         Feelings & emotions: ¿How are you? Great, sad, tired, happy…



Spring 2

Classroom communication, likes/dislikes, because+verb to be, sports (play-practise)

·         Classroom communication: I don’t know, I don’t understand, what does it mean?, how do you say in Spanish?, can I go to the toilet?, can I drink some water?

·         I like/I don’t like: I love/hate, I prefer +verbs infinitive/+nouns

·         because + verb to be + adjectives

·         Sports + verbs play & practise

Summer 1

Classroom communication, colours, body parts, matching article+noun+adjective, the family

·         Revision: Spanish quiz

·         Verbs –ar: present tense 1st person + What are you doing?: to walk, to jump, to speak, to listen, to count, to dance, to sing, to swim, to play 

·         Colours + Arts

Summer 2

The alphabet: consonants and spelling, the weather + the seasons, likes/dislikes; I love, I hate, the family members

·         Body parts 

·         Determiners (articles): un/una & el/la

·         The coloured monster: matching articles + nouns + adjectives

·         The family members

·         The weather + the seasons + clothing

·         Animals + descriptions



Autumn 1

Revision Year 5; Spanish phonics + Spanish Geography and History; Food and drinks; determiners,  but, and, negative sentences; I like/I don’t like; because + to be + adjectives

·         Revision: Spanish quiz

·         Talking about myself & others + my family I

·         The alphabet: Spanish phonics & sounds + Spanish in the world

·         Question words: how?, where?, when?, why?, what?, who?

·         Where do you live? My city: places in my area. 

·         Where is it? + directions

Autumn 2

Classroom communication, Christmas

·         Classroom communication: I don’t know, I don’t understand, what does it mean?, how do you say in Spanish?, can I go to the toilet?, can I drink some water?

·         The weather: hace, hay, está + the seasons

·         Intensifiers: muy, mucho, poco, un poco

·         Negative sentences: no + verb

·         The seasons

·         I like/I don’t like + nouns, verbs

·         Connectives: but, and 

·         Christmas

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