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¡Bienvenidos a nuestra sección de español! Welcome to our Spanish section!

At St. Joseph’s Camberwell Catholic Schools’ Federation, weekly Spanish lessons are taught to all children from year 3 to 6 by a native specialist Spanish teacher, Mr. Ó Balseiro, who teaches through songs, videos, games, interactive activities and lessons based on a practical communicative approach. 

En St. Joseph’s Camberwell School, un maestro nativo especializad, el señor Ó. Balseiro, imparte lecciones semanales de español a todos los niños desde año 3 a año 6 a través de canciones, videos, juegos, actividades interactivas y lecciones basadas en un enfoque comunicativo práctico. 

We understand how the learning of a foreign language is a great opportunity to acknowledge all cultures and languages while improving the children’s broader literacy and oracy skills. In addition, their confidence will grow while deepening their curiosity and understanding of the world.

Entendemos que el aprendizaje de un idioma extranjero es una gran oportunidad para conocer todas las culturas e idiomas, al mismo tiempo que mejora las habilidades orales y de escritura de los niños. Además, su confianza crecerá mientras profundiza su curiosidad y comprensión del mundo.

Children are given practical opportunities to apply what they have learned whilst covering the four basic language skills of speaking, reading, writing and listening. Through this, they will be well-prepared for the transition to Key Stage 3.

Los niños tienen oportunidades prácticas para aplicar lo que han aprendido mientras cubren las cuatro habilidades básicas de lenguaje: habla, lectura, escritura y audición. A través de ello, estarán preparados para la transición a la escuela secundaria (Key Stage 3).

Workshops, Spanish After School Clubs and many other activities are organised where children can experience and enjoy Spanish culture through films, food, and music.

Se organizan talleres, clubes extraescolares de español y muchas otras actividades donde los niños pueden experimentar y disfrutar de la cultura española a través de películas, comida y música.





Aprendemos español en casa con Languagenut  Learning Spanish at home with Languagenut


Image result for languagenut Spanish

This academic year our children can now enjoy and learn from one of the most succesful language websites, Languagenut, through interactive and fun Spanish activities, games and exercises. As a parent/carer, if you are also interested, you will be able to get involved too!

Our KS2 children have been given a username and password to access Languagenut anytime they want to work on their Spanish. Assignments are allocated to them regularly via the website, which focus on developing the four key language skills: writing, reading, speaking and listening.

They will be learning a large amount of topics such as "Animales Domésticos", "Números", "Hobbies", "Me gusta/No me gusta", "Verbos" ... and many more.

Please, support your child and encourage them to use Languagenut as much as possible as it will help them to improve their creativity, memory and concentration, along with respect for other cultures and love for languages. 


Usernames and passwords available for parents! If you are interested in joining our Languagenut Parents Group, don't hesitate to get in touch and receive your personal login details. 


                    World Ranking Wb 24th May 2021                                           Student Ranking Wb 24th May 2021


 Languagenut Website 


Year Group   Date of Assignment  Name of Assignment  
 Year 3

 11/01/2021 - 15/02/2021 

22/02/2021 - 22/03/2021

 Números 1-10,.


 Year 4

 11/01/2021 - 15/02/2021 

22/02/2021 - 22/03/2021

22/02/2021 - 22/03/2021

 Colores, More about pets.

Miembros de la familia, Verbo ser (presente).

Dias de la semana.

 Year 5

11/01/2021 - 15/02/2021  

22/02/2021 - 22/03/2021

22/02/2021 - 22/03/2021

 Animales Domésticos, Números 1-30, Hobbies, Me gusta/No me gusta.

LLegar a la escuela Getting to school), Otros medios de transporte (other forms of transport)

El tiempo

 Spanish Speakers

22/02/2021 - 22/03/2021

 Describiéndome a mí mismo, Describiendo a otros, Hacer (presente, pretérito, imperfecto y futuro), Presente verbos irregulares, Cómo me veo (Solo “sentence building” de momento)
 After School Spanish Club

Due to the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic, St. Joseph's Camberwell Catholic Schools' Federation will not be holding any after school club until further notice. 


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