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Newsletter 27th February

                                                                                                                              24th February 2017


Dear Parents,


There are lots of things going on in the world of education and I just wanted to update you on the future of educational funding.  There will be a new National Funding Formula and this will affect every school.  The Government has to find £3billion.  The suggested proposals mean that the borough of Southwark is the worst hit in the country with an average of £1024 being lost for every child.  We must do something about this. Next week we will be in the playground asking parents to sign a letter to Justine Greening the Secretary of State for Education. Please sign – the cuts will affect your children.  I would ask all of you to look at the website www.schoolcuts.org.uk .  This will give you a more detailed picture of how the cuts are affecting all schools. If you would like to send your own personal letter you can send one to Harriet Harman who is the MP for Camberwell and Peckham – please look on the website under the tab ‘email your MP’.

World Faith Week has been celebrated this week and the children have been looking at Islam and Buddhism.  Please ask them about their learning.


Infant Mass

Sorry that the Making Peace Mass was cancelled today for the Infants. Father Victor was unable     to celebrate Mass with us due to the lack of priests at Sacred Heart.  We


 World Book Week 

Next week is World Book Week.  We know how much your children love reading so there are a variety of events taking place.  The children will be going to Camberwell Library, there’ll be ‘buddy reading’ going on where the older children will read to the younger children.  We are inviting parents to come in and tell stories – please offer to do this the children love it and we have a story teller coming in to school. There will be a dress up day on Thursday 2nd of March but please try not to go to too much expense the more home made the costume is the better. Thanks to Ms Kilbey and Mrs Kilbey for organising this.


World of Maths Days

The children had a very exciting day this week investigating a variety of activities to do with problem-solving, number, calculation, shapes and space through a series of games and activities. A great time was had by all.  There was a real buzz about maths! Year 4 parents also came in to have a maths workshop– thank you for attending.  Year 3 parents’ maths workshops are on Tuesday March 7th. Thank you to Ms Rutherford and Ms Ferman for organising this. 





Throughout the term there have been an ongoing number of sporting events that the KS1/2 children have attended.  We try to ensure every child gets to take part in an event over the year. They get the chance to experience football, tag rugby, running, street dance, cross country, BMX, ice skating, Capoeira and boxing. At KS1 there has been a new Yr 2 Gymnastics Club and also Yr 2 Football Club. Mr Higgins and Ms Steadman do a great job organising this and Ms Davies, Ms Daniels, Mrs Ramos, Mrs Crawford, Ms Songu-Mbriwa and Mr Reilly also help by taking children to events after school. Thanks to all!



We have had a focus on anti-bullying through a number of children being able to take part in the ‘Diana Anti-bullying Ambassador Award’.  There has been an assembly, the children have had specific two day training, they have re written the anti – bullying policy into child speak and have to relate this to the rest of the school.  Every child has indicated on a ‘rainbow of hands’ five adults who they can speak to if things get tough. If you would like to see the display please ask a member of staff to show you. Thank you to Mrs Grant-Canning for her hard work on this.


Weekly Attendance

Every minute counts – make sure you are in school and on time!



































Dates for your diary

Tuesday 28th February - First Holy Communion Session after school

Tuesday 28th February – 3D Vauxhall City Farm 

Wednesday 1st March - Ash Wednesday there will be a service for children in school

Thursday 2nd March - World Book Day (please come to school in costume)

Thursday 2nd March - Meeting at Sacred Heart Church 6pm for parents of this year’s First Holy Communicants

Wednesday 22nd March - Sacrament of Reconciliation day for KS2 children

Wednesday 15th March - Yr 4 Natural History Museum

Friday 17th March- St Patrick’s Day

Monday 20th March - St Joseph’s Day

Monday 27th March – Yr4 Barbican to see London Symphony Orchestra

Wednesday 29th March – Yr 5 Easter Production at Sacred Heart Church

Thursday 30th March – End of Spring term 




‘Do not be afraid’ appears in the Bible 366 times – at least one for every day of the year including a leap year.  God calls each of us by name and tells us not to be afraid.


Anita Gallagher 


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