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Newsletter December 2016

                                                                                                                                       20th December 2016



Dear Parents and Carers,


I think you will agree we have had a splendid week of demonstrating our talents! The children have been excellent in their school plays and musical concerts.


On Tuesday and Wednesday Key Stage 1 (the Infants) did a wonderful performance of ‘It’s a Party’. Well done everyone! This really got us into the Christmas spirit. The singing was beautiful and so meaningful during this time of Advent.

‘And the angels sang at his birth, And his praises rang through the Earth, And the skies were filled with songs of worship, Singing ‘praise and glory to God, On the Earth be peace from above, For the time had come to know him.’


On Thursday Year 4 performed ‘Super Star’ an animated production of the Christmas story brought to life through the eyes of children with a wonderful innocence. There is nothing better to warm the heart and put many things about our fast-paced lives into perspective.


On Thursday evening we were treated to the voices of Southwark’s Catholic school children at Sacred Heart in the presence of Bishop Pat Lynch. Once again this was a huge success! A packed church, unbelievable talent and irrepressible enthusiasm. Our children from both the Infants and the Junior choir did us so proud. Well done! If you did not come this year make it a date for next year.


On Friday the Infant Advent Mass was very special. Father Victor was clear that this time is for families and loved ones to cherish each other whilst we wait for the coming of the Lord. No fuss. No rush. Just each other.  

The ‘Junior School Music Concert’ on Friday night demonstrated all the children’s hard work in learning pieces in class and for exams. It allows you to see the work their teachers have put in to making sure the development of the whole child is paramount and this is integral to the values of our school. Well done to all the children! The money raised from this concert will help the school buy some new Djembe drums. Thank you.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff involved in our productions. Ms Jameson, Ms Kirrane, all of the Infant class teachers, Mrs Mokogwu and Ms Rutherford in Yr 4, the music teachers Mr Beesley, Mr Bennett and Mrs Hagyard, all the support staff for the costumes and back-stage organisation, to Mr M Mburu and Mr S Mburu for ensuring the safety on site and putting up and down the stage every day over the last two weeks and to the office staff for preparing and selling the tickets. This really is a collective effort from a great team.


We have great entrepreneurial spirit at St Joseph’s - Mrs Gallindo and Mrs Lee have been making and selling Christmas biscuits to raise money for playground equipment. A big thank you to them and all of you who have helped by buying them. 



































We say a temporary goodbye to Mr Doody who is leaving us to go travelling but will be returning in September 2017. We wish him the best of luck on his travels that he may have a fantastic time and return to his family and us safe and sound. 


We also say goodbye to Mrs Akande, a valued teaching assistant, who will be leaving us to work closer to home.  Thank you for all you have done for our school.




We break up for Christmas at 1pm on Wednesday 21st December 2016.


Children return to school on Wednesday 4th January 2017


Whole School Mass on Friday 6th January 2017 10.30am at Sacred Heart Church



Alleluia! Alleluia! The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and they will call him Emmanuel, a name which means ‘God is with us’. Alleluia!


From all at St Joseph’s we wish you a Happy and Holy Christmas and Peaceful New Year.


Anita Gallagher




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