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Newsletter - 02/10/2020

This week at St Joseph’s

Another busy week at St Joseph’s that saw the Reception children in full time which was very exciting, they have had a fabulous time painting and exploring and have settled brilliantly.

The school dinner menu has been reviewed in line with our status as a Healthy School and can be found on the attached page.

Lovely writing in the infant School which earned some Headteachers stickers, some great vocabulary and ideas. Their handwriting is developing well too.

I walked past Year 6 yesterday and had no idea that they were in class because it was so quiet. They have started to take on board the advice from their teachers about hard work, listening to advice and concentration being the key to success. Well done Year 6!

Virtual assemblies have been taking place this week and we will be extending some of these opportunities to parents.

There is a letter being sent reminding parents about the importance of handwashing, make space and cover your face. Please remind your children and also be mindful when coming on site. Masks should be worn inside the school building by visitors and parents, adults should also try their best to maintain a 2m distance when talking.

The Government are talking about a potential 2 week lockdown over half term, but we have not been instructed regarding this. As ever, we will be ready to support your children with their learning should an extra week’s break happen.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Mr Andrew

Golden Book
 Michelle (3D) Evie (3D) Sarai (4B), Isaac (4B), Elriane(5I) Shanniiah (5I) Daniel (5H) Michael (5H) Annerley(6F), Liam (6F), Zion (6G), Megan-Lee (6G) Well done


Early Years and Infant News

It has been another wonderful week here at St Joseph’s Infants School. The children are working incredibly hard and I have seen some fabulous work being produced.

In Reception, the children have been getting used to being in School full-time. The children have been experimenting with paints to create different effects and shapes.

 In Year One, the children have been busy writing in their very grown-up English books- look how fabulous their writing is! They have been reading the story ‘Cave baby’ and writing about the different characters.

In Year Two, the children have been working so hard. I was lucky enough to be a part of their Science lesson this week where they were learning the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees. I was amazed at the scientific language used!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, and I am looking forward to seeing you all on Monday.

Ms. Swann

Junior News

We have all had a really good week at school.It was amazing to see so many of our children working really hard with excellent behaviour for learning. I was privileged to see some of the beautiful work they have produced as I visited classes this week.There have been some mavelleous learning in various classes.

In Year 3, children have completed their Maths tests and begun to look at geometry. In English, they have completed their reading tests and continued to work on the Roald Dahl book “The Minpins”.

Year 4 have also completed an arithmetic and problem solving assessments in Math and also have been learning about decimals and how to write fraction and decimal equivalents. In English, the children have been learning the features of letters and they have written a letter in the role of Mum from Voices in the Park which I believe as parents you will be proud to read.

In Year 5, they have been working on shapes and angles in maths and investigating how sound travels in their Science lessons. In English, children focused around the book “The Templeton Twins Have an Idea”, where they have been writing in role as different characters.

In the Year 6 classes, children have been problem solving in various areas (Multiplication, division and fractions) and using their mathematical thinking to solve problems in real life contexts.

Have a lovely weekend and stay blessed.

Mrs Mokogwu

Please arrive at the time allocated to your children .
Maintain 2m distance where possible.



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