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Newsletter 1st October 2019


                                                                                                                        Tuesday 1st October 2019

Dear Parents and Carers

We are fast approaching the beginning of October and over the past month there have been several exciting things that have happened in school.  We are trying to be as environmentally friendly as we can so rather than using paper and sending out newsletters to keep up to date on a weekly basis with all events and happenings look on our school Twitter page @stjosephscamb.  Our school website will also have lots of information about the latest events so don’t forget to have a look.

Plastic bottle tops

We need your plastic bottle tops! We are going to be working on an art project that focuses on recycling.  Please collect your bottle tops for us and don’t forget to bring them into school.

Sporting Success

The Junior School excelled at the recent Southwark Cross Country Competition.  All Year groups came first in their races.  We won everything! We are proving very strong competition to other schools in Southwark and our sporting prowess is growing stronger and stronger. I would like to thank Mr Higgins for providing the children with these opportunities through his close work with the London Schools’ Sports Network.

Stop press; Friday 27th. St Josephs’ school win the Southwark football cup held at GMH Park.

Year 6 Parents: Applying to secondary school

Please don’t forget if you need any help applying to your preferred secondary schools ask us and we will help you. All applications should be made by Friday 18th October


Leadership roles in school

Congratulations to those children in Yr 6 who have been given a leadership role.  It is very important to carry out duties with responsibility and maturity.  The children have taken to their new roles like ‘ducks to water’.  Roles include prefects, Head Boy and Head Girl, stair monitors, wet play monitors, playground monitors. Well done everyone!

MacMillan Coffee Morning

On Friday September 27th we held our annual MacMillan coffee morning.  Thank you to everyone who came.  We are thrilled to say we raised £412.91.  This is a fantastic amount for a worthy cause.

Brexit: Settled Status

All schools have been asked by the Department for Education to seek to ensure that those parents who are eligible apply for settle status do so.  If you have any worries or queries about this please ask at school and we will help to signpost you.

Dates for your diary

Monday 28th October: Flu vaccinations

Friday 4th October: Individual photos - whole school

Wednesday 16th October: Parents Evening

Thursday 17th October: Parents Evening

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