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Newsletter 19th January 2018

Dear Parents and carers,


Welcome back to the new term! We are at the end of our second week and I hope your families have settled into weekday routines after the Christmas break.


I have been at St Anthony’s for 3 days a week since January 3rd. It has been a very interesting time learning new ways, names and faces. I am confident that St Joseph’s relationship with St Anthony’s will go from strength to strength and I see this as a great learning opportunity for all involved.

The Infant School Council had the opportunity to visit the Houses of Parliament. It was extremely exciting and they learnt so much. Their visit included a tour and a workshop to support their learning about democracy and the history of the building itself. Rainbow class had a brilliant time at the National Gallery for a ‘Fresco’ workshop.


Shape Up Club’ has also started. This is a club where children engage in high intensity, cardio vascular activity every week, have lots of fun with their parents and have the opportunity to prepare healthy food with their children. Let’s see what wonderful recipes they come up with and that they can share with us! Watch this space!

Year 5 & 6 athletes did St Joseph’s proud at the All Southwark Athletics meet this week. We came second overall with Joseph O in Yr 6 receiving special recognition for his sportsmanship. Well done Joseph! Mr Higgins reported that there are some children who he feels should be attending an athletics club for specialised training. I would urge you to look into this - you may have the next Usain Bolt/Dame Kelly Holmes in your house without realising it! We also wish our year 3&4 team the best of luck in their final!


The office team do all they can to ensure that each child gets to attend the after school clubs of their choice. However, it is not always possible for every child to get every club choice all the time. We ask that you understand this and behave accordingly towards the office team. Regrettably we have had some parents who have been rude to the office team and this is unacceptable. Thank you to those parents who understand and accept the situation gracefully.

Our attendance and punctuality at school is overall very good but we want to make it better. Please try to be in school every day and on time. On that note I have written before about children needing enough sleep. Please remember that this is vitally important to how they progress in school. Some children get very tired very quickly during the school day. Attendance data: is 97.1% since the start of the term.


Year 6 are now entering a most serious time in preparation for their SATs and it is extremely important that the children make sure they concentrate and adopt the correct attitude. Please make sure they come to school well prepared, work to the best of their ability and ensure homework is fully completed. Parents please talk to the children and instil the need for exemplary behaviour and attitude at all times.


Behaviour is generally very good at St Joseph’s, thanks to you, the parents. However, occasionally the children can forget their manners and speak to adults and/or their peers disrespectfully. Please remind them of the use of good manners at all times.


The children have given their ‘favourite foods’ list to the kitchen and in the healthiest way the menus will be adapted to accommodate their wishes where possible.

Friday 26th January: Infant Mass School Hall. All are welcome

5th-9th February: Maths Week

Tuesday 6th February: Safer Internet Day




Here I am Lord. I come to do your will. Psalm 39


Anita Gallagher

Executive Headteacher


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