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Newsletter 15th November 2017


15th November 2017

Dear Parents, Carers and Friends,


Please take time to look at our Poppy display.  The children have worked hard in painting/designing their poppies and learning all about why they are so important to us.


The clocks have gone back and the weather is getting colder. Please make sure the children come to school in a coat with their name clearly marked.  We have lots of unnamed lost property/uniform which we have shared after school with you. Please ask us if you need a washed ‘nearly new’ item of uniform and we will try to oblige. Please wear something reflective on your bag or coat so cars can see you.

The first Sunday of Advent is Sunday 3rd December and ends 24th December. Advent is a very special time of the year, where we are waiting and preparing for the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.   


Road Safety Week

In the Infant (Rec, Yr 1 and Yr 2) and Junior School (Yr 3) the children will have the opportunity to work with Road Safety officers to make sure they are aware of the dangers on our roads.



Thank you to everyone for working hard to keep children in school and not to ask for holidays.   As winter approaches, there are the more common bugs, coughs and colds to contend with.  Rule of thumb, if your child has a temperature please keep them at home. If your child has diarrhoea and vomiting please keep them at home for 24hrs or until it has cleared.



Attendance % since September


Attendance % since September



























Overall Infants




Overall Juniors



School Council

We have won recognition from ‘The Speaker’s School Council Awards’ for a project the children were engaged in designing a mural for the school playground wall.  Well done everyone!




Anti- bullying Week 13th- 17th November

We have a strong history in working with our children to empower them to be anti- bullying ambassadors. Children work in the playground daily as ambassadors and peer mediators.  This week is anti-bullying week.  The children have had assemblies on this year’s campaign ‘All different, All Equal’.  They have learnt:

  • Build a Wall: an imaginary one so not to let any bullying through.  Be yourself and have fun with your life.
  • Be Kind (Monday was National Kindness Day) even if someone is not being kind to you
  • Hold the drama: there are always highs and lows whoever your friends are.  Focus on what’s important.
  • Turn sour to sweet: Keep your eyes and mind open - there will be a silver lining.
  • Talk to others: talk to someone if there is a bully or if you feel something is hurting you or someone else.  Be brave and ask for help.


First Holy Communion

There will be a meeting on 23rd of November for the Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Programme for Year 3 parents only. Children in the other year groups who have yet to receive this Blessed Sacrament are also welcome to attend.   


Sporting News

Year 5 and 6 won the Southwark Primary Schools’ Indoor Athletics Championships - Well Done!


Dates for your Diary


Monday 20th November: Road Safety Week

Monday 20th November: Festival of Sport KS1

Thursday 23rd November: Reception to Unicorn Theatre

Thursday 23rd November: First Holy Communion meeting at 5pm

Tuesday 28th November: Yr 2 to the Unicorn Theatre

Friday 1st December: INFANT Advent Mass 9.30am in School Hall - all welcome

Wednesday 6th December: Year 2 transfer meeting to the Juniors at 4:15pm

Friday 8th December: Christmas Fayre

Wednesday 13th December: Christmas Concert at Sacred Heart 6pm (evening)

Thursday 14th December: INFANT Nativity at 2pm

Friday 15th December: INFANT Nativity at 9.30am

Monday 18th December: Flu Immunisations for Reception, Yr1, Yr2, Yr3 and Yr4

Wednesday 20th December: Junior Carol Service at Sacred Heart 2pm

Wednesday 20th December: Yr 1 to Unicorn Theatre 

Friday 22nd December: Break Up for Christmas at 1pm. 




We place ourselves into your hands, God our Father, knowing that whatever difficulties we face we can never be losers because nothing can ever separate us from your love.  May we live in your peace.  Amen


Anita Gallagher

Executive Headteacher

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